How To Post To Multiple Groups On Facebook Without Landing In Facebook Jail

How To Avoid Facebook Jail And Still Post To Multiple Groups On Facebook?

The other day I did a poll in our community of Facebook group admins to see how many of them ever landed in Facebook jail. 😏

Check out the result yourself!

Facebook jail

At least 35% of them admitted they landed in Facebook jail for posting to multiple groups on Facebook at the same time.

They even recalled that instance and shared the same in the comments section of this poll.

Facebook Jail New Experience

Interesting, right?

Go to their Facebook feeds and you’ll probably come across at least one Facebook jail meme.

Sharing one with you here.😁

Latest Facebook Jail Meme 2023


Those of you (almost) scratching your heads right now, imagining iron bars and what not, let me hold you back a little.

No, it’s not a jail “jail” thingy, but Facebook sure has set some virtual consequences for those defying their rules and guidelines.

In this article, I’m going to tell you everything about it including:

Breaking the suspense finally now

Facebook Jail

What is Facebook Jail?

Facebook jail is a notorious term used to describe the situation where Facebook bans or disables you from liking, commenting, or sharing others’ posts, sending friend requests, or completely barres you from logging into your account for some time.

The social media giant announced it as an additional measure to combat hate and extremism throughout the Facebook community.

In simple terms, Facebook blocks you from doing anything on the platform.

Understand, there are 2 types of blocking.

1. Temporary Blocking

The one where Facebook suspends your account’s activities for a particular period of time is known as temporary blocking. It can last for a maximum of 21 days.

But after a few days, you get back the access to your account and are able to interact and engage with your friends as before.

2. Permanent Blocking

The one where Facebook deletes your account is called Permanent blocking. In no way does the platform allow you to access it again.

Here’s why Facebook will block your account:

  1. If you are using images and videos marked as SPAM by Facebook
  2. If you are joining too many Facebook groups in a single day
  3. If you are using automated software on Facebook
  4. If you are sharing or posting explicit content
  5. If you are acting all ‘spammy’
  6. If you are holding a fake account or impersonating someone

So, beware if you’re doing any of this or plan to do so!

How to find out if you are in Facebook jail?

It’s actually pretty simple.

You get this notification from Facebook

action blocked

How long does Facebook jail last?

It totally depends on the type of blocking – whether it is temporary or permanent.

In case of temporary blocking, Facebook jail can last for a few hours or days and can go on for a maximum of 21 days.

How to get out of Facebook jail? 

If you have been banned temporarily by Facebook, you can:

a. Wait for the temporary suspension to end if it’s for just a day or two.

b. Appeal to Facebook and challenge their decision if you know you did nothing wrong. Just hit ‘This is a mistake’ option (as you can see in the snapshot above). Facebook will review it and respond over email.

On the other hand, if your account has been permanently blocked by Facebook, the only thing you can do is to create a new account.

Take it as a learning experience and make sure to follow Facebook’s rules and guidelines so that you don’t end up getting banned again.

Moving on to the most important part…

Facebook Jail Post

How to avoid Facebook jail and post to multiple Facebook groups? 

The foolproof way to avoid Facebook jail and post to multiple groups on Facebook at once is through Convosight’s Smart Scheduling feature.

Not only are you able to post across all your Facebook groups in just a click but you can do that without getting blocked by Facebook.

How to Avoid Facebook Jail

I’ll tell you how that happens.

When you go on to schedule a post through Convosight’s Smart Scheduling, Convosight adds delay when the number of groups selected is more than that defined by Facebook.

How to Schedule Posts

So technically, you are not pushing out content across multiple groups at the same time.

Easy-peasy, right?

However, there’s one thing that you need to take care of.

Only if you are scheduling your posts through Convosight will you be able to take advantage of this feature.

Additionally, if you have scheduled your posts through Facebook or any other platform, then that will certainly hit the limits defined by Facebook.

And, it’s likely that you’ll be blocked by Facebook.

To avoid that, schedule your posts through Convosight’s smart scheduler and sit back while everything else gets taken care of.

You can refer to this article to know the step-wise process and know all about the Post Scheduler đŸ‘‡đŸ»

Introducing Convosight’s Post Scheduler – The best scheduler of the year

That’s all folks!

Do try it out and take maximum advantage of it.

In case you haven’t yet installed Convosight, you can SIGN UP nowđŸ‘‡đŸ»

What is Facebook Jail?

Also let us know how you liked it in the comments section below.

Or you can also share your thoughts with us in our Facebook group, Growth and Monetisation for Facebook Group Admins, where thousands of admins are constantly discussing this and more on community building.😊

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1 thought on “How To Avoid Facebook Jail And Still Post To Multiple Groups On Facebook?”

  1. Carol Panter

    But you didn't say WHERE or HOW! "Appeal to Facebook and challenge their decision if you know you did nothing wrong. Just hit ‘This is a mistake’ option (as you can see in the snapshot above). Facebook will review it and respond over email."

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