Running and growing your own Facebook Group isn’t easy. In fact, our CEO Tamanna Dhamija compared starting a Facebook Group to starting your own company.
It can get toughâand the journey can be a series of ups and downs. But still, we do it because we love our members and honestly believe in our community’s mission.
Although there are Facebook Groups that were meant to have just a few dozen or so members, the majority of community leaders create Facebook Groups in hopes of growing it to thousands, if not millions of members, so more people can be helped and impacted.
The problem? Growing your Facebook Group means you need to have consistent engagement inside the community.
This is where most Facebook Group Admins need help.
I did a quick survey inside Convosight’s mastermind group for community leaders on their single most significant challenge when it comes to growing their group.
Facebook Group engagement was the biggest challenge for most of our admins, and I thought that if it holds true for our group, then thousands of other Facebook Group Admins must have the same exact problem.
As a former Facebook Community Circles Lead, I recall asking the same thing to other community leaders in the Philippines, and the answer was pretty much the same.
Admins know that they must grow their Facebook Group to achieve their goals and push their mission, but to do so, the engagement inside the community needs to happenâat scaleâconsistently.
With that being said, my goal in this blog post is to help you increase your Facebook Group engagement consistently. I’ll share with you easy to follow Facebook Group engagement strategies that worked for my own community, Social Media All Stars.
Step #1: Ask Your Audience What They Want
Sounds simple, but not many Facebook Group Admins ask their members what kind of content they want more of.
I’m a member of over 50+ Facebook Groups, and I religiously follow at least half of that and based on my observations, less than 5 of those groups even bother to ask their members what content they want to see.
Rememberâevery single member on your Facebook Group joined there for a reason.
Maybe they joined your community about baking because they wanted to learn how to bake the perfect cookie for their kids.
Or maybe someone joined your travel community to learn more about low budget itineraries and travel hacks.
Unfortunately, your members won’t always just blurt out exactly what they want. Members can be shy sometimes, and some are naturally just lurkers within the group, and that’s okay.
As the leader, it’s your responsibility to lead the group and make sure your members are getting the most out of your community. So, by all means, ask them what they want to learn or how you can serve them better.
Here’s an example:
In this post, I specifically chose not to do a poll because I wanted members to engage directly via comments. Because voting on a survey and actually thinking about what topic you want and commenting on it are two completely different things.
I knew I would get more votes and insights if the question was done through a poll, but I still wanted to get people into the habit of commenting on the post (more on this later).
In the end, I got what I wanted⊠I discovered what some of my members wanted to learn then. It then made it easier for me to plan out what kind of content to post on my group.
Since many of my members voted for Facebook Ads, I now know that if I create more content about Facebook Ads, I will probably get more engagement, and my members will be happy.
Step #2: Give Your Audience What They Want
Now that you know what your audience wantsâgo on ahead and give it to them.
Because we know that our members wanted to learn about Facebook Ads, one of our admins created a post about Facebook Ads concerning the iOS updates.
We then had other posts talking about Facebook Ads and deeper conversations about this topic in our private chat group on Messenger.
The result? Our members became engaged with our Facebook Group because they are continuously getting relevant and helpful content.
The reality is there are millions of Facebook Groups in the world and there’s a Facebook Group for almost every single topic under the sun. Not to mention, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other communities covering the same subject or niche as you.
As a Facebook Group Admin, it’s up to us to make sure that we are always serving our members the best way we can.
Want to learn how to create Facebook Group content that’s naturally engaging and value-packed for your members? Here’s a quick detour:
Quick Formula To Creating Facebook Group Content Your Members Will Love: Snappy, Informative, Impactful
People join Facebook Groups to get information and to be part of a community with other likeminded individuals. Because Facebook Groups are part of the overall Facebook ecosystem, your group isn’t the only thing that’s popping in front of your members’ newsfeeds.
You are literally in competition with their family, friends, brands they follow, Facebook Ads, and other communities they are part of. Not to mention other social media channels like YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter.
Oh, and your members also have a life! This means that your content needs to be snappy, informative and can give them an immediate impact.
Here’s an example of one of my posts that’s actually very simple but got good engagement from my community.
Snappy, informative, impactful… Create your Facebook Group content with those in mind, and you’ll be seeing your engagement rate going up in no time!
Step #3: Involve Your Members and Make It All About Them
The awesome thing about a community is that it’s not all about just one person. There are many Instagram Influencers and YouTube content creators nowadays, with hundreds of thousands to millions of followers.
When they post content, it gets tons of engagement.
However, their actual impact can be debatable, just like this Instagram influencer with 2 million followers who couldn’t even sell a couple dozen t-shirts.
This is why I believe that Facebook Group Admins are the influencers that drive real impact. As Facebook Group Admins, we don’t need to be the ones to always create content for our community.
Other members can step up at any time and provide value as well. This is evident in our Growth and Monetization for Facebook Group Admins community. We have other admins starting meaningful conversations and even giving their own tips to grow Facebook Groups.
Here are a few examples:
As a Facebook Group Admin, you have both the ability and responsibility to get other members involved. Encourage your members to share in the group!
And it doesn’t even have to be a standalone post. Even getting your members to comment on posts will go a long way in increasing your Facebook Group’s engagement.
Take this poll I posted last month…
I messed up by not telling people to comment ‘Done’ on the post caption itself. By getting members to comment, more people inside our community will see the poll, which will lead to more votes.
I tried to save myself from this mistake by commenting below and telling people to say Done once they finish voting.
It still workedâkind ofâbut I wonder how well this post would’ve aged if I could include the call-to-action of saying ‘Done’ inside the caption itself.
The good thing is that I still got 608 people to vote on the poll, which is a big win!
The more you can involve your members by asking them to comment, tag their friend, or basically any call-to-action, the more your overall Facebook Group engagement increases.
Step #4 Stats Don’t LieâExecute Based on Data
As an avid basketball fan, I grew up to the saying that “stats don’t lie”. Because in basketball, it’s not always just about who has the best players. The game is won based on who executes the plan the best. And it’s only possible to execute those plays well if you have the data.
The same applies to managing Facebook Groups.
Imagine leading a group of thousands (for some of you, millions!). I don’t know about you, but that’s A LOT of people. People who have different wants, needs, personalities, and tendencies…
Trying to think of what to post on your group and how to boost engagement will be hard if you don’t know what you’re working with. Before discovering Convosight, I had absolutely no idea what kind of content will be the most engaging for my FB Group.
Today though, I have this:
In a snapshot, I have the data on what kind of posts do well in my group. Status posts work really well for us since we’re an information-driven Facebook Group.
Having this data leaves out all of the guesswork and simply focuses on producing the best content possible for my community.
And you guessed itâby doing that, the engagement will go up.
Step #5: Be Consistent, Even During Bad Days
If there’s a step that I couldn’t emphasize enough, it’s this⊠I personally failed with consistency, and it caused my Facebook Group engagement to drop. I got super busy and preoccupied that I was unable to create consistently for my group.
Because of this, other members also stopped contributing, which led to an even bigger dip in my group’s engagement.
However, during our best days of growing the community, the most significant contributor to that growth was consistency.
There were stretches that I would personally post high-value content every single day. Add in the contributions from other admins and members, and we have ourselves a very active group with sky-high engagement.
Don’t make the same mistake I did. Keep the engine going, even on bad days or days where you feel you’re really busy.
Even asking a simple question can get the ball rolling for your group.
I simply asked my members who were using the new social media app Clubhouse. I was busy that day, but I still made sure to post that so that relevant conversations inside my group keep going.
I didn’t even expect to get good engagement from this post, but I did!
The last thing you’d want to happen is for your Facebook Group to die because of lack of engagement. If that ever happens to you, check out our blog post on how to resurrect a ‘dead’ Facebook Group.
Stay consistent, and the Facebook Algorithm will reward your group tremendously!
I hope this blog post was able to teach you how to increase your Facebook Group Engagement consistently. There’s nothing more I’d love than for you to be able to use what you learned here to make an even bigger impact in the world through your Facebook Group.
Should you need more help on growing and monetizing your Facebook Group, don’t forget to join our community and be part of the conversation.
If you’re hungry for more growth hacks to increase your Facebook Group Engagement, you can check our Facebook Group engagement tactics post.

Leads digital marketing and content at Convosight. I’m passionate about all things marketing and growth, e-learning, and community building. If you’re awesome and made it all the way here, could you do me a favor and share/tweet this post too? Forever grateful!