They say that ‘no man is an island’. This saying rings true for Facebook Group Admins. The most successful communities on Facebook are the ones that collaborate with other like-minded groups. The question is—where do you find groups on Facebook to join and collaborate with?
While we regularly hold a recurring ‘Collab Day’ inside our community for Facebook Group Admins, the only way to connect with other relevant Facebook Groups at scale is to find them and reach out to them directly.
To learn how to collaborate with other Facebook Group admins, you can read our previous blog.
But before you start messaging and engaging with other community leaders, you must first learn how to find Facebook groups to connect with.
Let’s get started!
How To Find Facebook Groups To Collaborate With
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of searching Facebook Groups on the Facebook app, the first thing you need to do is to identify what kind of Facebook Group you want to collaborate with.
- Are you searching for a Facebook Group in the same industry?
- Are you looking for a Facebook Group in the same industry, but focused on another country?
- Are you trying to find a Facebook Group that operates in a completely different industry and country?
Whatever your motivations are, understanding who you want to reach out to makes the ‘where to find them’ part so much easier. Let’s dive into the Facebook app to start searching for Facebook Groups to collab with!
How To Find Facebook Groups on Desktop
If you’re on desktop or laptop, the process of finding a group on Facebook is different because of the layout.
First, go to your Groups tab on Facebook.
Then click on the ‘Search Groups’ bar, and type in the keyword you want. For this example, let’s start searching for Parenting groups. I just typed in ‘Parenting’ for now.
I hit enter and it led me here:
I now see relevant Facebook Groups in the industry or niche I searched for. Most of these groups are based in the Philippines or have a lot of members from the country. This is because I am based in Manila, Philippines, so Facebook is automatically recommending communities that are either in my country or have a big population of members from here.
The good news is that this isn’t where our journey of finding the best Facebook Group to collaborate with ends. We can go a level deeper.
Click ‘Groups’ and now you can filter these Facebook Groups on parenting by a specific City.
This works for any industry. Whether you’re searching for a Facebook Group on Food, Marketing, Housekeeping, Science, and Dogsitting, you can use this same strategy for searching Facebook Groups.
Here I typed in a specific city in the Philippines (a province far from my area), called Cebu.
Facebook is now showing me Facebook Groups from Cebu. This feature also works if you’re looking for Facebook Groups in other countries.
Here, I searched for Facebook Groups in Sydney, Australia with my keyword ‘parenting’ and I still got results of Facebook Groups with Sydney, Australia as the tagged location.
Now if you want to find groups on Facebook under specific categories instead of typing in a keyword, you can use the ‘Discover’ tab.
Here’s how:
With clicking Discover, Facebook shows Groups that you might be interested in. You can either click ‘See All’ to unlock all the Facebook Group categories, or you can scroll down and see the categories immediately.
When you click ‘See All’, you will get led to this new page format:
Now you can see all the different Facebook Group categories and choose the one most relevant to your search.
Say if you’re looking for a Parenting group to collaborate with, select the ‘Parenting’ category.
You will then start seeing dozens and dozens of Facebook Groups in this category. You can click the thumbnail and immediately see the Facebook Group landing page. Before joining or reaching out to the Admin, you can read the Description of the Group and determine if there can be potential synergies with your community.
Then that’s it! You can now start connecting with Facebook Groups you want to work or collaborate with.
For those of you who run your Facebook Group or your business on mobile, here’s how to get it done:
How To Find Groups On Facebook Mobile App
Though the layout for Facebook Groups on mobile is different, it’s just as easy to find Facebook Groups.
Here’s a quick video on how to find groups on Facebook using your smartphone:
As you can see, the process is pretty straightforward. What’s surprising is that with the Facebook mobile app, there’s a deeper category filter within the Facebook Group Categories.
Let’s say you select the ‘Health’ category.
Under it, we see sub-categories such as Children’s Health, Disabilities, Health Professions, Meditation, Mental Health, Nutrition, Reproductive Health, Self-Help, and Weight Loss.
So if you want to be more specific with the kind of Facebook Groups you want to reach out to, you can take advantage of this extra feature on your smartphone.
P.S. The device I used to test this is an iPhone 8 Plus (iOS). I will update this article once I tried it on an Android smartphone and see if there’s any difference. Feel free to comment below if the interface is different on Android.
How To Find Facebook Groups By Location
As demonstrated above, you can find Facebook Groups by location too. Although it’s not 100% perfect based on my test, you still get a good chunk of Facebook Groups within the location or city you selected.
For this example, I’ll search for a marketing-related group based in Sydney, Australia.
I’m then presented with multiple Facebook Groups. Unfortunately, not all of them are dedicated to just Sydney, Australia.
The top suggested group have multiple cities tagged as its ‘location’.
However, Facebook also showed me a relevant group based in Australia:
So while Facebook shows all groups with the specific city location tagged (meaning you don’t get city specific recommendations all the time), it’s still a useful feature to narrow down your search.
Things To Consider When Finding Facebook Groups To Collaborate With
Before you start sending ‘join requests’ on every Facebook Group that’s related to yours, it’s important to note that working with the right Facebook Group Admin is crucial. It’s hard to get the perfect partnership, especially when everything is only done online. However, there are measures that you can take to make sure that you are only working with the best Facebook Groups that can truly provide you value (and vice versa).
First, check the Facebook Group’s ‘About Section’
Being able to see exactly what the community is all about will make it easy for you to know if there’s potential synergy or not.
The photo above is the ‘About’ section of our new Facebook Group, ‘Growth and Monetization for Facebook Group Admins Southeast Asia‘. Right off the bat, the reason for the group’s existence is showcased in the ‘About This Group’ section. This makes it easier for Facebook Group Admins from Southeast Asia to join us and/or collaborate with us.
Another thing to check is the Activity of the group.
By seeing how many posts on average are made per day, as well as the member growth of the group—you are able to get a good idea on how active the group is.
An active Facebook Group has a higher tendency of actually collaborating with you since the admin can respond to your queries.
How To Maximize The Facebook Group Search Tool
There are many use cases for finding Facebook Groups to join—from collaboration, to partnerships, and even actual business dealings. Utilizing the Facebook Group search tool makes the job easier.
If you’re a Facebook Group Admin looking to collaborate with other admins:
- Use the Facebook Group search tool to find FB groups in the same industry. So if you run a parenting group, search ‘Parenting’ and filter by City/Location if you prefer.
- You can go broad and click on the ‘Parenting’ category (or whatever category you wish) to find more Facebook Groups to work with
If you’re a person who wants to join a Facebook Group based on your interest:
- Use the Facebook Group search tool to find the group you want to join. Simply type in the keyword on the search bar, hit enter, select ‘Groups’ and you’re good to go.
- If you want to filter by categories, you can do so. Facebook will then show you dozens upon dozens of Facebook Groups in the category you selected.
If you’re a brand owner or marketer looking to work with Facebook Groups to grow your business:
- Use the Facebook Group Search tool to find a group in the category that’s most relevant to your business. You can search for specific keywords to get relevant recommendations. For example: if you want to run community marketing campaigns to promote your smartphone line, you can search for ‘Tech’ related groups. Type in ‘Tech’ or ‘Smartphone’ and sift through the results.
- You can also select a more specific Category so Facebook can recommend related groups within that category. Try to use your mobile phone so you can go even deeper and select sub-categories.
For business owners and marketers who want to find the most relevant Facebook Groups to work with, Convosight can help and make the process easier. Convosight works with Fortune 500 brands all over the world to bring community marketing campaigns straight to the most relevant Facebook Groups—front and center to the specific target market. Instead of using the Facebook Group search tool and trying your luck, with Convosight, you automatically get a roster of the most high quality Facebook Groups across 75 countries.
Finding Facebook Groups to collaborate with can either be a time-consuming process, or as easy as playing Candy Crush. It all depends on what your objectives are and how you utilize the Facebook Group search tool.
For Facebook Group administrators, constantly connecting and networking with other admins can prove to be beneficial. This means that occasionally searching for Facebook Groups on the app can lead to more opportunities down the road.
For brands, finding groups on Facebook is easier now with a robust Facebook Group search tool in place. It’s made even easier through Convosight. If you’re a business owner or a brand marketer, consider connecting with us to learn more about opportunities to put your brand in front of thousands (if not millions) of your potential customers.

Leads digital marketing and content at Convosight. I’m passionate about all things marketing and growth, e-learning, and community building. If you’re awesome and made it all the way here, could you do me a favor and share/tweet this post too? Forever grateful!